20160731 frey50
Six Contemporary British Novelists edited with a an introduction by George Stade - New York Columbia UniversityPress 1976 - 357 p.
Includes bibliographical referenes and index
Graham Greene / D. Lodge -- C.P. Snow / R.G. Davis -- Malcolm Lowry / D.B. Dodson -- William Golding / S. Hynes -- Lawrence Durrell / J. Unterecker -- Iris Murdoch / R. Rabinovitz.
English fiction --History and criticism--20th century
Murdoch, Iris --Criticism and interpretation
823.03 Six 14
Six Contemporary British Novelists edited with a an introduction by George Stade - New York Columbia UniversityPress 1976 - 357 p.
Includes bibliographical referenes and index
Graham Greene / D. Lodge -- C.P. Snow / R.G. Davis -- Malcolm Lowry / D.B. Dodson -- William Golding / S. Hynes -- Lawrence Durrell / J. Unterecker -- Iris Murdoch / R. Rabinovitz.
English fiction --History and criticism--20th century
Murdoch, Iris --Criticism and interpretation
823.03 Six 14