Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Orwell, George frey50

An age like this 1920-1940 The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell George Orwell; Edited by Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus - New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1968 - 574 p. - The Collected Essays, Journalism and letters of George Orwell Volume 1 .

Includes index

Acknowledgements - Introduction - A note on the editing - Why I write - 1920-1929 - 1930 - 1931 - 1932 - 1933 - 1934 - 1935 - 1936 -1937 - 1938 - 1939 - 1940 - Apendix I Books by or containing contributions by George Owell - Appendix II : Chronology - Index

In this book it contains the collected essays, journals, and letters written by George Orwell starting in 1920's and going threw 1940's.


Orwell, George 1903-1950

Journalists Great Britain --Correspondence

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