Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

Modern Chicano Writers A collection of critical essays Edited by Joseph Sommers and Tomas Ybarra-Frausto - Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc 1979 - 190 p.

Includes Bibliography

The Folk Base of Chicano Literature / Americo Paredes -- Mexican American Literature: A Historical Perspective / Luis Leal -- Critical Approcahes to Chicano Literature / Joseph Sommers -- Spanish Codes in the Southwest / Rosaura Sanchez -- Toward a Concept of Culture / Juan Gomez-Quinones -- Notes on the Evolution of Chicano Prose Fiction / Juan Rodriguez -- Tomas Rivera's Appropriation of the Chicano Past / Ralph Grajeda -- Narrative Technique and Human Experience in Tomas Rivera / Daniel P. Testa -- Interpreting Tomas Rivera / Joseph Sommers -- An Introduction to Chicano Poetry / Felipe de Ortego y Gasca -- Alurista's Poetics: The Oral, The Bilingual, The Pre-Colombian / Tomas Ybarra-Frausto -- The Other Voice of Silence: Tino Villanueva / Bruce-Novoa -- Judy Lucero and Bernice Zamora: Two Dialectical Statements in Chicana Poetry / Marta Sanchez -- Linguistic Structures in Jose Montoya's "El Louie" / Ignacio Orlando Trujillo -- The Development of Chicano Drama and Luis Valdez' Actos / Carlota Cardenas de Dwyer -- Brecht and Chicano Theatre / Barclay Goldsmith -- From acto to mito: A Critical Appraisal of the Teatro Campesino / Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarano.


American literature --Mexican American authors -- History and criticism
American literature 20th century --History and criticism
Mexican American literature (Spanish) --History and criticism.

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