Skinner, B. F.(Burrhusfrey50ri
Enjoy old age / Print B. F. SKinner and M. E. Vaughan. - New York Norton 1983 - 157 p. Hardback book.
Old age has had a bad press. It is depicted as a dreary wasteland, now inhabited by a very large and increasing proportion of all Americans. In fact old age can and should be a time of considerable and joy and productivity. A little advance planning and positive approach can provide solutions to the problems of age. Here, one of the twentieth century's most notable psychologists, himself seventy-nine, puts down what he is learning from his own experience and from his training and research.
Old age - Philosophy
Aged - Psychology
158 Ski 4
Enjoy old age / Print B. F. SKinner and M. E. Vaughan. - New York Norton 1983 - 157 p. Hardback book.
Old age has had a bad press. It is depicted as a dreary wasteland, now inhabited by a very large and increasing proportion of all Americans. In fact old age can and should be a time of considerable and joy and productivity. A little advance planning and positive approach can provide solutions to the problems of age. Here, one of the twentieth century's most notable psychologists, himself seventy-nine, puts down what he is learning from his own experience and from his training and research.
Old age - Philosophy
Aged - Psychology
158 Ski 4