Blocksma, Mary
Easy to make water toys that really work Mary Blocksma & Dewey Blocksma; Illustrated by Art Seiden - Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1984 - 62 p.
Instructions for making toys that move in water.
Grade 3-5
Toys--Juvenile literature
Toy making--Juvenile literature
j745.592 Blo 27
Easy to make water toys that really work Mary Blocksma & Dewey Blocksma; Illustrated by Art Seiden - Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1984 - 62 p.
Instructions for making toys that move in water.
Grade 3-5
Toys--Juvenile literature
Toy making--Juvenile literature
j745.592 Blo 27