Hansen, Eric
Stranger in the forest on foot across Borneo Eric Hansen - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1988 - 286 p.
Includes Biographies
Prologue : Prelude to a Journey : A little preparation : On foot towards the highlands : Rajah Kumis : the road to Paye Rungan : Great forest : Pa Lampung Padan's sewing machine : Arrival in Long Bia : Musim Takoot : Meeting a Forest Ecologist : Asang Jalong : The penance of Long Lebuson : The ascent of Sawak Iran Pass : to the mouth of the river : Epilogue : Acknowledgments : Bibliography
In 1982, Hansen walked through one of the last places on earth untouched by western civilization, the rain forest of Borneo. For seven months he hiked through leaves so thick he couldn't see the sky, gathering roots, hunting wild pig and meeting tribes whose ancestors were headhunters.
Hansen, Eric -- (Eric K.) Travel --Sarawak--Malaysia
Description and travel Sarawak (Malaysia)
915.9540453 Han 15
Stranger in the forest on foot across Borneo Eric Hansen - Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1988 - 286 p.
Includes Biographies
Prologue : Prelude to a Journey : A little preparation : On foot towards the highlands : Rajah Kumis : the road to Paye Rungan : Great forest : Pa Lampung Padan's sewing machine : Arrival in Long Bia : Musim Takoot : Meeting a Forest Ecologist : Asang Jalong : The penance of Long Lebuson : The ascent of Sawak Iran Pass : to the mouth of the river : Epilogue : Acknowledgments : Bibliography
In 1982, Hansen walked through one of the last places on earth untouched by western civilization, the rain forest of Borneo. For seven months he hiked through leaves so thick he couldn't see the sky, gathering roots, hunting wild pig and meeting tribes whose ancestors were headhunters.
Hansen, Eric -- (Eric K.) Travel --Sarawak--Malaysia
Description and travel Sarawak (Malaysia)
915.9540453 Han 15