Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Biographical dictionary of American sports: Outdoor sports / - New York Greenwood Press 1988 - 728 p. Index; list of contributors Hardback book

David L. Porter, Editor - 1941.

This book provides brief biographies covering 519 of the nation's most notable sports figures, previous to 1988, in outdoor sports, not including baseball or football. Figures from auto racing, golf, harness and thoroughbred racing, lacrosse, skiing, soccer, speed skating, tennis, track and field and several miscellaneous outdoor sports are covered. The miscellaneous secontion covers amateur sports administrators, bicyclists, bobsledders, equestrian riders, field hockey players, rodeo performers rowers, softball players, water polo players and yachtsmen. Notable sportscasters, sportswriters, and promoters also appear. Seventy four women, largely participants in tennis, track and field, and/or golf are included.


Athletes--United States--Biography
Sports--United States--History
Outdoor sports

796.092 Bio 13