Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

The Far West and the Rockies Historical Series Relations with the Indians of the Plains, 1857-1861 Volume 9 Relations with the Indians of the Plains, 1857-1861 Edited by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen - Glendale, CA Arthur H. Clark Company 1960 - 310 p. - Far West and Rockies Historical Series Volume 9 .

Includes index

The campaigns against the Cheyennes, 1857. Introduction -- Official reports -- P.G. Lowe's journal of the Sumner wagon train -- R.M. Peck's account of the Sedgwick division -- Subsequent depredations of Cheyennes -- Relations with the Plains Indians, 1858 and 1859. Introduction -- Operations of 1858 -- Relations with the indians, 1859 -- Campaigns and negotiations, 1860. Introduction -- Letters and reports -- Lieutenant J.E.B. Stuart's journal -- Sturgis' campaign -- Establishment of Fort Wise -- The Fort Wise treaty.

A documentary account of the military campaigns, and negotitations of Indian Agents wit reports and journals of P. G. Lowe, R. M. Peck, J. E. B. Stuart, S. D. Sturgis, and other official papers.

Indians of North America West (U.S.)
Wars West (U.S.) --1815-1875

R978 Far 4