20160731 frey50
The Far West and the Rockies Historical Series The Diaries of William Henry Jackson Frontier Photographer Volume 10 The Diaries of William Henry Jackson Frontier Photographer Edited by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen - Glendale, CA Arthur H. Clark Company 1960 - 345 p. - Far West and Rockies Historical Series Volume 10 .
Includes index
To the Central Rockies and Mount of the Holy Cross: Diary of 1873 -- Bullwhacking to Salt Lake City, and residence with the Mormons -- Journey to Los Angeles, and a stay in California -- Driving wild horses: California to Nebraska.
The diaries of William Henry Jackson, frontier photographer, to California and return, 1866-67 ; and with the Hayden Surveys to the central Rockies, 1873, and to the Utes and cliff dwellings, 1874
Description and travel West (U.S.) --History
Diaries West (U.S.) --History
R978 Far 4
The Far West and the Rockies Historical Series The Diaries of William Henry Jackson Frontier Photographer Volume 10 The Diaries of William Henry Jackson Frontier Photographer Edited by LeRoy R. Hafen and Ann W. Hafen - Glendale, CA Arthur H. Clark Company 1960 - 345 p. - Far West and Rockies Historical Series Volume 10 .
Includes index
To the Central Rockies and Mount of the Holy Cross: Diary of 1873 -- Bullwhacking to Salt Lake City, and residence with the Mormons -- Journey to Los Angeles, and a stay in California -- Driving wild horses: California to Nebraska.
The diaries of William Henry Jackson, frontier photographer, to California and return, 1866-67 ; and with the Hayden Surveys to the central Rockies, 1873, and to the Utes and cliff dwellings, 1874
Description and travel West (U.S.) --History
Diaries West (U.S.) --History
R978 Far 4