20160731 frey50
The laws of war a comprehensive collection of primary documents on international laws governing armed conflict / edited with an introduction and commentary by W. Michael Reisman and Chris T. Antoniou. - 1st ed. - New York : Vintage Books, 1994. - xxxii, 448 p. ; 21 cm.
"A Vintage original."
91050208 //r94
War (International law)--Sources.
341.6 Law 9
The laws of war a comprehensive collection of primary documents on international laws governing armed conflict / edited with an introduction and commentary by W. Michael Reisman and Chris T. Antoniou. - 1st ed. - New York : Vintage Books, 1994. - xxxii, 448 p. ; 21 cm.
"A Vintage original."
91050208 //r94
War (International law)--Sources.
341.6 Law 9