Haviland, Virginia
Favorite fairytales told in Ireland Retold by Virginia Haviland; Illustrated by Artur Marokvia - Boston, Mass Little, Brown and Company 1961 - 88 p. - Favorite Fairy Tales .
The bee, the harp, the mouse, and the bum-clock The old hag's long leather bag Billy Beg and the bull The widow's lazy daughter Patrick O'Donnell and the leprechaun
Fairy Tales Ireland
j398 Hav 23
Favorite fairytales told in Ireland Retold by Virginia Haviland; Illustrated by Artur Marokvia - Boston, Mass Little, Brown and Company 1961 - 88 p. - Favorite Fairy Tales .
The bee, the harp, the mouse, and the bum-clock The old hag's long leather bag Billy Beg and the bull The widow's lazy daughter Patrick O'Donnell and the leprechaun
Fairy Tales Ireland
j398 Hav 23