Hewett, Edgar L.
Landmarks of New Mexico Edgar L. Hewett and Wayne L. Mauzy - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1953 - 200 p.
Includes index.
Series title in part at head of title.
Map showing location of monuments, Introduction,
I. In and about Santa Fe
II. Pajarito Plateau
III. The upper Rio Grande Valley
IV. The Middle Rio Grande Valley
V. The Eastern Frontier
VI. The Jemez Region
VII. From Albuquerque to Zuni
VIII. The San Juan Country
IX. Miscellaneous Monuments
Indians of North America--New Mexico
Antiquities--New Mexico
--Description and travel
917.89 Hew 48
Landmarks of New Mexico Edgar L. Hewett and Wayne L. Mauzy - Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press 1953 - 200 p.
Includes index.
Series title in part at head of title.
Map showing location of monuments, Introduction,
I. In and about Santa Fe
II. Pajarito Plateau
III. The upper Rio Grande Valley
IV. The Middle Rio Grande Valley
V. The Eastern Frontier
VI. The Jemez Region
VII. From Albuquerque to Zuni
VIII. The San Juan Country
IX. Miscellaneous Monuments
Indians of North America--New Mexico
Antiquities--New Mexico
--Description and travel
917.89 Hew 48