Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

The world of mathematics Volume 1 a small library of the literature of mathematics from Aʻh-mosé the scribe to Albert Einstein Commentaries and notes by James R. Newman - New York Simon & Schuster 1956 - 724 p. - The world of mathematics Volume I .

Great mathematicians / Herbert Westren Turnbull --
The rhind papyrus / James R. Newman --
Archimedes / Plutarch, Vitruvius, Tzetzes --
Greek mathematics / Ivor Thomas --
Declaration of the profit of arithmeticke / Robert Recorde --
Johann Kepler / Sir Olver Lodge --
Geometry / Rene Descartes --
Isaac Newton / E.N. Da C. Andrade --
Newton, the man / John Maynard Keynes --
The analyst / Bishop Berkeley --
Gauss, the prince of mathematicians / Eric Temple Bell --
Invariant twins, Cayley and Sylvester / Eric Temple Bell --
Srinivasa Ramanujan / James R. Newman --
My mental development / Bertrand Russell --
Mathematics as an element in the history of thought / Alfred North Whitehead --
The sand reckoner / Archimedes --
Counting / Levi Leonard Conant --
From numbers to numerals and from numerals to computation / David Eugene Smith and Jekuthiel Ginsburg --
Calculating prodigies / W.W. Rouse Ball --
The ability of birds to "count" / O. Koehler --
Queen of mathematics / Eric Temple Bell --
On the binomial theorem for fractional and negative exponents / Isaac Newton --
Irrational numbers / Richard Dedekind --
Definition of number / Bertrand Russell --
Exactness of mathematical laws / William Kingdon Clifford --
Postulates of the science of space / William Kingdon Clifford --
On the space theory of matter / William Kingdon Clifford --
The seven bridges of Konigsberg / Leonhard Euler --
Topology / Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins --
Durer as a mathematician / Erwin Panofsky --
Projective geometry / Morris Kline --
On the origin and significance of geometrical axioms / Hermann von Helmholtz --
Symmetry / Hermann Weyl --

This set was designed to make mathematics more accessible to the civilian. It includes non-technical essays and numerous articles.

Collected Works

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