Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

von Holst, Dr. H.

Kansas-Nebraska Bill-Buchanan's Election 1854-1856 The constitutional and political history of the US Volume 5 Hermann von Holst; Translated by John J. Lalor - Chicago Callaghan and Company 1889 - 490 p. - The constitutional and political history of the United States Volume V .

V.1. 1750-1833. State sovereignty and slavery. 1889. --
v. 2. 1828-1846. Jackson's administration --
Annexation of Texas. 1888. --
v. 3. 1846-1850. Annexation of Texas --
Compromise of 1850. 1881. --
v. 4. 1850-1854. Compromise of 1850 --
Kansas-Nebraska bill. 1885. --
v. 5. 1854-1856. Kansas-Nebraska bill --
Buchanan's election. 1885. --
v. 6. 1856-1859. Buchanan's election --
End of 35th congress. 1889. --
v. 7. 1859-1861. Harper's Ferry --
Lincoln inauguration. 1892. --
v. 8. Index and list of authorities, by Ira Hutchinson Brainerd. 1892. Fruitless efforts at annexation
The elections of 1854 and the know Nothings
The troubles in Kansas
The disruption of the Nativist party and the election for speaker of 1855-56
Positive and negative programmes
Law and order
The Cincinnati and Philadelphia conventions
The Kansas question in congress
Presidential election of 1856
Growing popularity of slavery


--United States--1854-1856--United States --19th century


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