20160731 frey50
Month of meals meals in minutes : quick & easy menus for people with diabetes. Meals in minutes Quick & easy menus for people with diabetes Quick and easy menus for people with diabetes - Alexandria, VA American Diabetes Association c1998 - 73 p. col. ill. ; 26 cm.
Pages [21]-[48] are divided into thirds: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Includes index.
1580400167 (pbk. : spiral bound) : $14.95
Diabetes--Diet therapy--Recipes.
Diabetes Mellitus--diet therapy.
Diabetic Diet.
RC662 / .M663 1998
Month of meals meals in minutes : quick & easy menus for people with diabetes. Meals in minutes Quick & easy menus for people with diabetes Quick and easy menus for people with diabetes - Alexandria, VA American Diabetes Association c1998 - 73 p. col. ill. ; 26 cm.
Pages [21]-[48] are divided into thirds: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Includes index.
1580400167 (pbk. : spiral bound) : $14.95
Diabetes--Diet therapy--Recipes.
Diabetes Mellitus--diet therapy.
Diabetic Diet.
RC662 / .M663 1998