20160731 frey50
Eating fire, tasting blood : breaking the great silence of the American Indian Holocaust Anthology of the American Indian Holocaust Breaking the great silence of the American Holocaust edited and with an introduction by MariJo Moore. - New York Thunder's Mouth Press c2006 - xvi, 406 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 22 cm.
A collection of essays by twenty American Indian writers from different nations and tribes that chronicle the history of their people.
1560258381 : 9781560258384
Indians of North America--Government relations.
Indians, Treatment of--History.--North America
Genocide--History.--North America
United States--Race Relations
North America--Politics and government
808.89708 Eat 14
Eating fire, tasting blood : breaking the great silence of the American Indian Holocaust Anthology of the American Indian Holocaust Breaking the great silence of the American Holocaust edited and with an introduction by MariJo Moore. - New York Thunder's Mouth Press c2006 - xvi, 406 p., [8] p. of plates : ill., ports. ; 22 cm.
A collection of essays by twenty American Indian writers from different nations and tribes that chronicle the history of their people.
1560258381 : 9781560258384
Indians of North America--Government relations.
Indians, Treatment of--History.--North America
Genocide--History.--North America
United States--Race Relations
North America--Politics and government
808.89708 Eat 14