Donati, Marilyn
'Diamond Studs' tells outlaw tales in high-energy fashion Marilyn Donati - Raton, NM Raton Range February 2, 1993 - 1 p. Newspaper Article - Raton Range February 2, 1993 .
Master list item #: 16
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article
Talks about the play 'Dimond Studs' that opened at the Shuler Theater to a packed house. Goes on to talk about the play.
Casey, Gene--Musical Director
James, Jesse--Outlaw
Woolson, Craig--Actor
Gayle, Tracey--Actor
Murrell, Gene--Actor
Wolfe, Keith--Actor
Regan, Alison--Actor
Lasnik, Jay--Actor
McNeil, William--Actor
Kaye, Toni --Choreographer
Arts and Humanities Council
Shuler Theater
Raton, NM
Raton - Arts, Humanities Council & Old Pass Gallery File 36
'Diamond Studs' tells outlaw tales in high-energy fashion Marilyn Donati - Raton, NM Raton Range February 2, 1993 - 1 p. Newspaper Article - Raton Range February 2, 1993 .
Master list item #: 16
File location is in the Raton file Cabinet
Newspaper article
Talks about the play 'Dimond Studs' that opened at the Shuler Theater to a packed house. Goes on to talk about the play.
Casey, Gene--Musical Director
James, Jesse--Outlaw
Woolson, Craig--Actor
Gayle, Tracey--Actor
Murrell, Gene--Actor
Wolfe, Keith--Actor
Regan, Alison--Actor
Lasnik, Jay--Actor
McNeil, William--Actor
Kaye, Toni --Choreographer
Arts and Humanities Council
Shuler Theater
Raton, NM
Raton - Arts, Humanities Council & Old Pass Gallery File 36