Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Nash, Ogden frey50

There's Always Another Windmill by Ogden Nash; Illustration by John Alcorn - Boston, Massachusetts Little, Brown and Company 1962 - 141 p.

SONGS OF INNOCENCE - All good Americans go to larousse, or, I don't pretend to be Moliere than thou; John Peel, Shake hands with 37 mamas; The day of the Locust, or, there's always the King James Version; A visitor from prolock, but, Alas, no Xanadu; The cricket; Just Holmes and me, and Mnemosyne, makes three; if he were alive today, mayhap, Mr. Morgan would sit on the midget's lap; How many miles to the dead letter office?; I. A modest proposal to abolish the saliva test; II. Stamp too big for lette, must be for album; The entrapment of John Alden, or, we paint the lily, we beard Mr. Longfellow; The wrongs of spring, or, no all fool's day like an all old fools' day; Roll on, thou deep and dark blue syllables, roll on; Paperback, who made thee? Dost thou know who made thee?; Hark, Hark, the larks do bark; Any full name is a grand old name; And so Manhattenbecame an Isle of Joy; the armchair golfer, or, whimpers of a shortchanged viewer; Fables bulfinch forgot: narcissus and the treacherous vowel; No buskin, all sock, makes laughingstock; Songland revisited, or, there's no purity like immaturity; Splinters from the festive board; Taste buds, En garde!; One western, to go; Experiment degustatory; Avanti, gourmetti!; The pioneer; Everybody's full of Carbonaceous material obtained by the imperfect combustion of wood; the short order cocktail, or, one cook to take out; The uniqueness of Mr. Onativia; The moose on the beach; Who called that pied-billed grebe a podilymbus podiceps, podiceps? -- HOW PLEASANT TO APE MR. LEAR -- A crusader's wife slipped from the Garrison; A novelist of the absurd; The pilgrims ate quahaugs and corn yet; An exiled Iraqi went back; In Duluth there's a hostess, forsooth; A knight of the garter long hence; A lama of outer mongolia; There was a young girl of Milwaukee; A chuckling tycoon of Fort Worth; Said a commissar loyal but vague; The indignant owl; A thrifty soprano of hingham; A male entomologist author; ther was a yong man from New Haven; I admire St. Simeon Stylites; An old Danish jester named Yorick; There once was an umpire whose vision; How teh Avant-Garde loves to annoy; A princess who lived near a bog; A handsome young Rodent named Gratian; A co-ed protester named Lil -- SONGS OF EXPERIENCE -- If a boder meet a boder, need a boder cry? Yes.; Ill-met by flourescence, or, everybody's doing it who'd rather be eschewing it; While Homer nodded: A footnote to the Iliad; Chant at the end of a beginningless summer; Admonitory lines for the birthday of an over energetic contemporary; Little pretty penny, let's squander thee; the darkest half-hour, or, too early is the time for all good guest to come to the aid of the party; Notes for the chart in 306; Mr. Judd and his snail, a sorry tale, or, never underestimate the wisdom of the ages; Yum, Yum, take it away; All of the pleasure and none of the responsibility? leaves from a grandfather's summer journals; Airy, Airy, quite contrary; one times one is eight; Their stomach is begger than your eyes; Apprehension; The gentleman lady's maid; Protocol; Grandpa is ashamed; The horrors; The romantic age; What's Hecuba to him? A one-minute close-up, or some noses for new are for tweaking; The nonbiography of a nobody; O tempora, Oh-Oh!; Thoughts thought wile resting comfortably in Phillips house, Massachusetts General Hospital, over looking the Charles river; Who put that spokesman in my wheel?; Notes for a documentary in search of a sponser; Botanist, Aroint thee! Or, Henbane by an other name; You are old, Father Bertrand; Mr. Minikin's waking nightmare, or, what will be won't be; Tell me no filblets, where are the giblets?; We're fine, just fine, or, you'll be astonished when i'm gone, you rascal, you; Hook, line and ennui; I'm no saint, and I ahve my doubts about Valentines, too;Backward, turn backward, O commentator, in thy flights; A man can complain, can't he? (Alament for those who think old); the stilly night: A soporific reflection; It's always June in January, also vice versa; They don't read De Quincey in Philly or Cincy; Mr. Twombley's ultimate triumph; The solitary huntsman; The man who frustrated Madison Avenue; Never was I born to set them right; Modes meditations on the here, the hertofore and the hereafter; Sticks and stones may break their bones, but names will lose a sponsor; Who says it's so nice to have a man around the house?'; Permissive pictures presents "Happy Halloweeen, Everybody," An Alfred Hitchock Production; Teh quack frown sox lumps oven the --, or, farewell, Pi Beta Kafka; The joyous Malingerer; Very nice, rembrandt, but how about a little more color?; The stange case of Mrs. Moodus's second honeymoon, or, how to unobstreperize a husband; The sunset years of Samuel Shy

American Poetry
Humorous poetry, American.

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