Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Top Artists' Works Come to Exhibit - Raton, NM Raton Range April 1, 1997 - 2 p. Newspaper Article - Raton Range April 1, 1997 .

Master list item #: 107

File location is in the Raton file Cabinet

Newspaper article

Article is about the Northern New Mexico Classic Western Art Show, arists and sale.

Cusimano, Chuck--Artist
Bradley, Dana Lee--Artist
Cornay, Dino--Artist
Franco, Manuel S.--Artist
Hollis, Sue--Artist
Johnson, Ben--Artist
Maennche, Larry--Artist
Perkins, Shalah--Artist
Petersen, Alan--Artist
Petersen, Lois Dvorak--Artist
Sanchez, Kathleen--Artist

Old Pass Gallery

Artist History
Art Shows
Art Exhibits
Art Promotion

Raton, New Mexico

Raton - Arts, Humanities Council & Old Pass Gallery File 36