Sturlason, Snovie
The Heimskringla Vol. 2 The history of the Norse Kings by Snorre Sturlason; Translated by Samuel Laing; Revised by Rasmus B. Anderson; - New York Norroena Society 1905 - 716 p. - Norrcena Anglo-Saxon Classics 15 Volumes Vol. VIII .
3 volumes illustrations, plates
Saga of Olaf Haraldson -- Saga of Magnus the good -- Saga of Harald Hardrade
839.5 Stu / 14
839.5 Stu
The Heimskringla Vol. 2 The history of the Norse Kings by Snorre Sturlason; Translated by Samuel Laing; Revised by Rasmus B. Anderson; - New York Norroena Society 1905 - 716 p. - Norrcena Anglo-Saxon Classics 15 Volumes Vol. VIII .
3 volumes illustrations, plates
Saga of Olaf Haraldson -- Saga of Magnus the good -- Saga of Harald Hardrade
839.5 Stu / 14
839.5 Stu