Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Great biographies / Reader's Digest great biographies / selected and condensed by the editors of Reader's Digest. - 1st ed. - Pleasantville, N.Y. : Reader's Digest Association, c1990. - 606 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.

"Reader's Digest condensed books."

St. Francis of Assisi / by E.M. Almedingen -- Condensations of:
Napoleon / by Emil Ludwig ; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul --
Act one: an autobiography / Moss Hart --
My early life / by Winston S. Churchill.

Condensations of: St. Francis of Assisi / by E.M. Almedingen --
Napoleon / by Emil Ludwig ; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul --
Act one: an autobiography / Moss Hart --
My early life / by Winston S. Churchill.


089577304X (vol. 12) 9780895773043 (vol. 12)


Francis, of Assisi, Saint 1182-1226
Napoleon I, 1769-1821
Hart, Moss 1904-1961.
Churchill, Winston 1874-1965


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