Henson, Paige, frey50
Painting with tempera / Paige Henson. - Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Press, c1999. - 32 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. - How to paint & draw . - .
Provides techniques and advice on painting with tempera and suggests several projects to try.
1571033114 9781571033116
Tempera painting--Technique
Tempera painting--Technique.
j751.43 Hen 27
Painting with tempera / Paige Henson. - Vero Beach, Fla. : Rourke Press, c1999. - 32 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. - How to paint & draw . - .
Provides techniques and advice on painting with tempera and suggests several projects to try.
1571033114 9781571033116
Tempera painting--Technique
Tempera painting--Technique.
j751.43 Hen 27