Victor Grant Collection, Album 1, Photograph 15 Alexander Scammel Brooks Keyes Photographs
- 1 photograph Black & white 8 cm x 12 cm Photograph
Designation "1.12" on listing stand for Album 1, Photograph 15.
Located in Office Closet
Alexander Scammel Brooks, Keyes, b. July 28, 1846, Dedham, Mass. D. July 2, 1909, San Diego, CA (Lt. Col, USA Ret.). Picture taken April 1865, Champlain, NY. "Lt ASB Keyes, A.A. 2M. Buried National Cemetery, Presidio of San Francisco, CA. (AL: Alexander Scammel Brooks Keys, known around Cimarron as Charles Keyes and Virginia Maxwell were married on Marc 30, 1870, in the old grist mill in Cimarron, on the 3rd floor. The witnesses were the miller and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Rinehardt. The preacher, Thomas Harwood, took out for the brush country as Lucien Maxwell was out gunnin' for him. Charles Keyes and Virginia had six children: Maxwell Keyes, Geoffrey Keyes, Edward Appleton Keyes, Lucy Beatrice Keyes Fiske, Berenice Keyes Anderson and Ethel Keyes Arenshire.)
Keyes, Alexander Scammel Brooks July 28, 1846-July 2, 1909
Maxwell - Beaubien family
Genealogy - Photographic collection. New Mexico
Victor Grant Collection - Album 1 36
Designation "1.12" on listing stand for Album 1, Photograph 15.
Located in Office Closet
Alexander Scammel Brooks, Keyes, b. July 28, 1846, Dedham, Mass. D. July 2, 1909, San Diego, CA (Lt. Col, USA Ret.). Picture taken April 1865, Champlain, NY. "Lt ASB Keyes, A.A. 2M. Buried National Cemetery, Presidio of San Francisco, CA. (AL: Alexander Scammel Brooks Keys, known around Cimarron as Charles Keyes and Virginia Maxwell were married on Marc 30, 1870, in the old grist mill in Cimarron, on the 3rd floor. The witnesses were the miller and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Rinehardt. The preacher, Thomas Harwood, took out for the brush country as Lucien Maxwell was out gunnin' for him. Charles Keyes and Virginia had six children: Maxwell Keyes, Geoffrey Keyes, Edward Appleton Keyes, Lucy Beatrice Keyes Fiske, Berenice Keyes Anderson and Ethel Keyes Arenshire.)
Keyes, Alexander Scammel Brooks July 28, 1846-July 2, 1909
Maxwell - Beaubien family
Genealogy - Photographic collection. New Mexico
Victor Grant Collection - Album 1 36