Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

20160731 frey50

The Book of Mormon translated by Joseph Smith, Jr. ; introduction by Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp. - New York Penguin Books 2008. - xxxii, 598 p. ; 20 cm. - Penguin classics . - .

"First published in the United States of America 1830"--T.p. verso.

The Book of Mormon -- The first book of Nephi -- The second book of Nephi -- The book of Jacob, brother of Nephi -- The book of Enos -- The book of Jarom -- The book of Omni -- The words of Mormon -- The book of Mosiah -- The book of Alma, the son of Alma -- The book of Helaman -- The third book of Nephi -- The fourth book of Nephi -- Book of Mormon -- Book of Ether -- The book of Moroni -- The testimony of three witnesses -- And also the testimony of eight witnesses.

9780143105534 0143105531


Mormons and Mormonism.

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