Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Beck, Glenn, frey50

Control : exposing the truth about guns / written and edited by Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe and Hannah Beck ; writing and research Dan Andros, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Stephen Halbrook, David Kopel, John Lott ; Contributors Sharon Ambrose, Cam Edwards, Joe Kerry, Tim McGinnis, Skip Patel, Meg Storm and Jacob Sullum ; Illustrations Paul E. Nunn. - First Threshold editions/Mercury Radio Arts trade paperback edition. - New York Threshold Editions/ Mercury Radio Arts 2013 - xvi, 189 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm

Pt. 1. The truth about guns -- pt. 2. Winning hearts and minds.

"Bestselling author and popular radio and television host Glenn Beck shines a spotlight on today's culture of violence and provides practical, timely, and fact-based answers to the most commonly heard gun-control arguments."--Publisher's description.

9781476739878 (softcover) 1476739870 (softcover) 9781476739878


Gun control--United States.
Violence--United States.
Firearms--Law and legislation--United States.
Firearms ownership--United States.
Firearms--Law and legislation.
Firearms ownership.
Gun control.

United States.

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