Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Manuscript of broadcast on KRTN Radio Print Unknown (possibly Evlyn Shuler) - Item # 9 - Raton, New Mexico December 3, 1953 - 4 pages, 2 copies Typwritten manuscript 8.5" x 11" Unbound pages

Master list item #: 9

File location is in the Raton File Cabinet

Narrator on radio unknown. 2 Copies

Article written by local people

Apparently broadcast over KRTN radio, this manuscript discusses the Chase family, beginning with Mason Chase who bought the Chase Ranch from Lucien B. Maxwell, January, 1872.

Chase Family
Mrs. Nord
Mr. Ladd
Sammas, Gretchen
Chase, Mason
Maxwell, Lucien B.
Chase, Stanley M.
Burns, Zeda
Chase, Margaret
Sammas, Fred
Rupert, Tommy
Smith, Gladys
Di Lisio, Chris
Moore, Treby

History Genealogical --Gretchen Sammas - Granddaughter of Mason Chase.

Raton, New Mexico - Colfax County, New Mexico
Cimarron, New Mexico
West Orange, New Jersey

NM - Cities & Towns - Raton - History - Articles Written by Local People 36