Winging it : a beginner's guide to birds of the Southwest
Catherine Coulter, Cynthia Coulter, James Coulter and Vivian Coulter; illustrated by Jennifer Owings Dewey
- Albuquerque, New Mexico University of New Mexico Press, 2004.
- 127 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 27 cm
Includes index.
Birds of prey -- Red-tailed hawk -- Peregrine falcon -- Sharp-shinned hawk -- Kestrel -- Golden eagle -- Burrowing owl -- Great horned owl -- High country birds -- Turkey vulture -- Magpie -- Nutcracker -- Stellar's jay -- Raven -- Cliff swallow -- Canyon wren -- Nuthatch -- Downy woodpecker -- Flicker -- Evening grosbeak -- Junco -- Mountain bluebird -- Mountain chickadee -- Wild turkey -- Open country birds -- Robin -- Rufous-sided towhee/spotted towhee -- Oriole -- Mockingbird -- Western kingbird -- Grackle -- Hummingbird -- House finch -- Goldfinch -- House sparrow -- Nighthawk -- Mourning dove -- Quail -- Roadrunner -- Wetland birds -- Canada goose -- Wood duck -- Merganser -- Red-winged blackbird -- Great blue heron -- Sandhill crane -- Appendix -- General information about birds -- How to attract birds to your yard.
Why are some house finches so red? How do chickadees and nuthatches survive the winter? Where does the great horned owl spend the day? Winging It answers these and other questions about bird behavior. This introductory bird book includes descriptions of forty-two species found in the Southwest, from hummingbirds to bluebirds to sharp-shinned hawks, from birds in your backyard, to birds in the mountain forest or driest desert.
Every page is filled with photographs, drawings of feathers, nests, and tracks, and true stories of kids and birds. Learn how to attract birds to your yard and how to make nectar for your hummingbird feeder. Turn to any page to learn something new about a favorite bird or use the index for easy identification of one you don't recognize.
"Winging It is kid-friendly and easy to read, yet the text can be enjoyed by all ages. It ought to be read by parents to their children, as children are the future when it comes to protecting birds and their habitats. I especially liked the short personal stories that accompany each chapter. These stories made me want to know more about that particular bird. My hope is that kids reading this book will pass it on to their own kids."-Ron Duffy, Audubon Society bird guide
"As an avid birder and educator (5th grade teacher), I recommend this book as a must for any young naturalist. The text takes the reader a step beyond mere bird identification, introducing behavior, folklore, and habitat. Winging It is an excellent text as a field guide, but the book also lends itself to research. The accuracy of the drawings helps a reader to understand bird behavior, as well as providing vivid clues for bird identification."-Janie Chodosh, birder and elementary school teacher.
Birds--Southwestern States.
United States--Southwestern States.
598.0979 Win 44
Includes index.
Birds of prey -- Red-tailed hawk -- Peregrine falcon -- Sharp-shinned hawk -- Kestrel -- Golden eagle -- Burrowing owl -- Great horned owl -- High country birds -- Turkey vulture -- Magpie -- Nutcracker -- Stellar's jay -- Raven -- Cliff swallow -- Canyon wren -- Nuthatch -- Downy woodpecker -- Flicker -- Evening grosbeak -- Junco -- Mountain bluebird -- Mountain chickadee -- Wild turkey -- Open country birds -- Robin -- Rufous-sided towhee/spotted towhee -- Oriole -- Mockingbird -- Western kingbird -- Grackle -- Hummingbird -- House finch -- Goldfinch -- House sparrow -- Nighthawk -- Mourning dove -- Quail -- Roadrunner -- Wetland birds -- Canada goose -- Wood duck -- Merganser -- Red-winged blackbird -- Great blue heron -- Sandhill crane -- Appendix -- General information about birds -- How to attract birds to your yard.
Why are some house finches so red? How do chickadees and nuthatches survive the winter? Where does the great horned owl spend the day? Winging It answers these and other questions about bird behavior. This introductory bird book includes descriptions of forty-two species found in the Southwest, from hummingbirds to bluebirds to sharp-shinned hawks, from birds in your backyard, to birds in the mountain forest or driest desert.
Every page is filled with photographs, drawings of feathers, nests, and tracks, and true stories of kids and birds. Learn how to attract birds to your yard and how to make nectar for your hummingbird feeder. Turn to any page to learn something new about a favorite bird or use the index for easy identification of one you don't recognize.
"Winging It is kid-friendly and easy to read, yet the text can be enjoyed by all ages. It ought to be read by parents to their children, as children are the future when it comes to protecting birds and their habitats. I especially liked the short personal stories that accompany each chapter. These stories made me want to know more about that particular bird. My hope is that kids reading this book will pass it on to their own kids."-Ron Duffy, Audubon Society bird guide
"As an avid birder and educator (5th grade teacher), I recommend this book as a must for any young naturalist. The text takes the reader a step beyond mere bird identification, introducing behavior, folklore, and habitat. Winging It is an excellent text as a field guide, but the book also lends itself to research. The accuracy of the drawings helps a reader to understand bird behavior, as well as providing vivid clues for bird identification."-Janie Chodosh, birder and elementary school teacher.
Birds--Southwestern States.
United States--Southwestern States.
598.0979 Win 44