Rustad, Martha E. H.
Sea Snakes Martha E. H. Rustad & Gail Saunders-Smith, Ph. D. Editor - Mankato, Minnesota Capstone Press 2003 - 24 p. - Ocean Life .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Simple text and photographs present sea snakes and their habits.
Sea Snakes--Juvenile literature
Snakes--Juvenile literature.
j597.965 Rus 74
Sea Snakes Martha E. H. Rustad & Gail Saunders-Smith, Ph. D. Editor - Mankato, Minnesota Capstone Press 2003 - 24 p. - Ocean Life .
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Simple text and photographs present sea snakes and their habits.
Sea Snakes--Juvenile literature
Snakes--Juvenile literature.
j597.965 Rus 74