Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

LeFree, Betty

Santa Clara pottery today by Betty LaFree - Albuquerque, New Mexico Univ. of NM Press 1975 - 114 p

Includes Index and Bibliography

The potters --
Gathering and preparing the body clay --
Gathering and preparing the filler --
Mixing the clay and filler --
Sources and preparation of slips and paints --
Modeling the vessel --
Large unrestricted-rimmed bowls --
Long-necked jars --
The double-necked jar or "wedding vase" --
Sanding and smoothing --
Slipping and polishing --
Decorating --
Painting in black matte on polished black ware --
Painting on red polychrome ware --
Impressing --
Carving --
Resist firing and incising --
Firing --
Redware --
Blackware --
Marketing --
Conclusion --
Appendixes: A. The evolution of Santa Clara pottery --
B. Design analysis --
C. Potters active at Santa Clara pueblo in 1968.


--Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico.

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