Mattern, Joanne
World almanac 5,001 incredible facts for kids on nature, science, and people Five thousand and one incredible facts The world almanac Joanne Mattern - New York World Alamanac Books, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing 2020 - 304 pages illustrations (chiefly color) 31 cm Hardback book.
"World almanac for kids" -- Title page.
Includes index.
Kids want to learn about the world around them, and with this engaging, colorful collection of facts, figures, photographs, and fun, they will. Perfect for home or for school, and a great gift for any curious reader, here are thousands of fascinating and surprising facts about almost everything.--
Ages 8-12.
9781510761797 1510761799
Curiosities and wonders--Juvenile literature.
Questions and answers.
AG244 / .M38 2020
j031.02 Mat 20
World almanac 5,001 incredible facts for kids on nature, science, and people Five thousand and one incredible facts The world almanac Joanne Mattern - New York World Alamanac Books, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing 2020 - 304 pages illustrations (chiefly color) 31 cm Hardback book.
"World almanac for kids" -- Title page.
Includes index.
Kids want to learn about the world around them, and with this engaging, colorful collection of facts, figures, photographs, and fun, they will. Perfect for home or for school, and a great gift for any curious reader, here are thousands of fascinating and surprising facts about almost everything.--
Ages 8-12.
9781510761797 1510761799
Curiosities and wonders--Juvenile literature.
Questions and answers.
AG244 / .M38 2020
j031.02 Mat 20