Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Freud, Ernest L.

Letters of Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud; Selected & edited by Ernst L. Freud; Translated by Tania & James Stern - New York Basic Books 1975 - 470 p.

Letters 1-12 (1873-1882)
Letters 13-54 (1883-1884)
Letters 55-102 (1885-1886)
Letters 103-160 (1887-1912)
Letters 161-212 (1913-1924)

The Letters of Sigmund Freud presents 315 letters written over a period of sixty-six years, and offers a panoramic cross-section of the intellectual and artistic life of the twentieth century-- included are letters to Albert Einstein, Thomas Mann, Havelock Ellis, Stefan Zweig, Maria Montessori, H.G. Wells, and other central figures in the development of modern culture. A substantial portion of the correspondence contains letters from the young Freud to Martha Bernays written during the four years of their engagement


Freud, Sigmund 1856-1939

Business correspondence

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