Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Decade of crisis Edited by Roger Morgan - New York Newsweek Books 1975 - 160 p. - Milestones of History Vol. 2 .

Includes index.

1938: Appeasement at Munich -- 1939: Germany invades Poland -- 1940: Battle of Britian -- 1940: The first jet airplane -- 1941: Operation Barbarossa -- 1941: "Tora! Tora! Tora!" -- 1942: Midway to Victory -- 1942: The end of the beginning -- 1942: Ordeal at Stalingrad -- 1944: D-Day -- 1945: The last days of Hitler -- 1945: Disagreement at Potsdam --1945: Fireball over Hiroshima -- 1946: First meeting of the U.N. General Assembly -- 1947: The Marshall plan -- 1948: Murder of the Mahatma -- 1948: Israeli Independence -- 1948: The Berlin airlift -- 1949: Red victory in China --

Together with Sunrise and stormclouds and Mid-century world, forms a rev. and expanded ed. of Our twentieth century world published in 1970.



World War--1939-1945
World politics -- 1945-1989

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