Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Hegseth, Pete,

Battle for the American mind : uprooting a century of miseducation Pete Hegseth with David Goodwin. - First edition. - New York, NY : Broadside Books, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. - xvii, 269 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Hardback book.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 255-257) and index.

Introduction -- Part one : The 16,000-hour war. Our COVID-(16)19 moment -- "Commanding heights" -- The forgotten force of Western Christian education -- Part two : The unauthorized history of American education. The story of the Progressive heist -- The elitist roots of Progressivism -- The straight line from critical theory to Antifa -- Finding the founding classrooms -- Part three : A solution as big as the problem. Reason and virtue : two towers of freedom -- Wonder and beauty : learning to love the right things -- How classical Christian education works -- A battlefield assessment for retaking the American mind -- An exhortation for parents : radical reorientation.

Early in the twentieth century, Progressives quietly transformed America's schools. A hundred years later, they've succeeded beyond their wildest hopes. Behind a smokescreen of "preparing students for the new industrial economy," early Progressives had political control in mind. America's original schools didn't just make kids memorize facts or learn skills; they taught them to think freely and arrive at wisdom. They assigned the classics, inspired love of God and country, and raised future citizens who changed the world forever. Today, after sixteen thousand hours of K-12 indoctrination, our kids come out of government schools hating America. They roll their eyes at religion and disdain our history. We spend more money on education than ever, but kids can barely read and write -- let alone reason with discernment. Western culture is on the ropes. Kids are bored and aimless, flailing for purpose in a system that says racial and gender identity are everything. Battle for the American Mind is the untold story of the progressive plan to neutralize the basis of our Republic -- by removing the one ingredient that had sustained Western civilization for thousands of years. Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin explain why, no matter what political skirmishes Conservatives win, Progressives are winning the war -- and controlling the "supply lines" of future citizens. Reversing this reality will require parents to radically reorient their children's education; even most homeschooling and Christian schooling are infused with progressive assumptions. We need to recover a lost philosophy of education -- grounded in virtue and excellence -- that can arm future generations to fight for freedom. It's called classical Christian education. Never heard of it? You're not alone. Battle for the American mind is more than a book; it's a field guide for remaking schools in the United States. We've ceded our kids' minds to the Left for far too long. This book gives patriotic parents the ammunition to join an insurgency that gives America a fighting chance. - Jacket flap. "Fox News host and New York Times bestselling author Pete Hegseth delivers his most important book yet: an excoriating examination of the state of America's broken education system that offers a helpful road map to raising children to uphold the values Americans have always treasured"-- As the father of seven biological and step-children, Pete Hegseth has a vested interest in what not only his children but everyone's children are being taught and not being taught in government funded public schools. A historic and current perspective of the changes and results in the education of America's children, this is a wake up call to parents who are concerned about the lack of basic skills being taught, the lack of reasoning skills encouraged, and the social and political indoctrination of the present.

9780063215047 0063215047


Education--Moral and ethical aspects--United States.
Church and education--United States.
Government and education--United States.

LC268 / .H44 2022

370.1140973 Heg 9