Tumbleweed : August 13, 1992
- Cimarron, New Mexico Cimarron Legend August 13, 1992
- 1 p Newspaper Article
- Cimarron Legend 8-13-92 Tumbleweed .
Master List Item # 29
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Article on a tourist writing to tell of their experience while in Cimarron, New Mexico.
Horseback Riding
Story telling
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36
Master List Item # 29
File location is in the New Mexico File Cabinets
Article on a tourist writing to tell of their experience while in Cimarron, New Mexico.
Horseback Riding
Story telling
Cimarron, New Mexico
New Mexico - Colfax County - People, or Topics of Interest - Stories, Legends and Tales 36