Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

Poisoning & drug overdose Poisoning and drug overdose edited by Kent R. Olson and seven others - Eighth edition. - New York McGraw Hill Medical 2022 - 1 volume illustrations (black and white)

Previous edition: 2018. Includes index. "By the faculty, staff, and associates of the California Poison Control System" -- Cover

Section I: Comprehensive evaluation and treatment -- Section II: Specific poisons and drugs: diagnosis and treatment -- Section III: Therapeutic drugs and antidotes -- Section IV: Environmental and occupational toxicology.

9781264259083 1264259085

020551537 Uk

Poisoning--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Drugs--Overdose--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Poisoning--drug therapy.
Drug Overdose.
Pharmaceutical Preparations.

RA1215 / .P64 2022

R615.9 Poi 3

QV 607 / P754 2022