Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

O'Leary, Meaghan

Medium's Memoir A Collection of my stories and yours A Medium's Memoir Meaghan O'Leary - Orlando, FL Meaghan O'Leary 2020 - 108 pgs

Spanning nearly two decades and more than 10,000 sessions, Meaghan has helped clients all over the world navigate life's challenges. In this inspiring new book, A Medium's Memoir, she takes you on a deeply personal and powerful journey into her life as a psychic medium and the choices she had to make to answer a higher calling. Each chapter begins with a true story recounted from Meaghan's life, training, and client cases, and expands to include universal, spiritual, healing, and metaphysical meaning and wisdom. Let this book be your guide - whether you finish it in a single sitting or contemplate each chapter one at a time - you will come away with valuable guidance and insight you can apply to your own life.


133.91 O'Le 7