Warden of horses
by Ripley, Karen
Series: The slow world bk. 2 Published by : Ballantine Books (New York ) Physical details: 425 pages 18 cm ISBN:034538119X; 9780345381194.Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
Science Fiction | Book Cart | Rip (Browse shelf) | Available | 113899 |
"A Del Rey book."
Cassidy had no memory of who she was or where she came from. But the nagging suspicion that she had come from some other world was growing more profound each passing day. Her one hope of restoring her memory and returning home lay with the Wardenof Horses, a man reputed to hold the key to the Memories of the mythical Slow World. But Cassidy had no idea how to find him. So when she was forced to flee from the farming village that had taken her in, Cassidy went east, toward the Iron City where she hoped to find help. And as the days of travel lengthened into weeks, she began to realize that the terrible wraithlike creatures that had mysteriously been wreaking havoc across the countryside were following her and growing stronger. But for all the destruction that dogged her heels, nothing would compare to the revelation of her meeting with the Warden--a meeting that would shake her mind to its very foundation and set her on yet another journey to save not only a life in two world, but perhaps those very worlds themselves ...