Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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j 900 - 999 j940.5336 Zul (Browse shelf) Available 114015

"First Scholastic printing, September 2012"--Title page verso.

Defiance and resistance -- "My partisan life have begun" / Paul Strassmann -- "If I die, I'll take some Germans with me" / Selim Sznycer -- "I can't become the beast that I hate so much" / Romi Cohn -- "If I die now, I'll fall as a fighter" / Sarah (Sonia) Shainwald -- "If anyone kills a Jew, he will be killed" / Frank Blaichman -- "I'll finally get my revenge for what they did to my family" / Martin Friedman -- "We are the Jewish Brigade that the Germans could never destroy!" / Chonon Bedzowski.

True stories of teenage Jews who fought back against the Nazis primarily in eastern Europe by using tactics such as guerilla warfare and sabotage.