Includes Index
Song titles: Amazing grace (p.273) --
Down in the valley (p.274) --
The Wabash cannonball (p.275) --
You are my sunshine (p.276) --
Wildwood flower (p.277) --
Put on your old grey bonnet (p.278) --
The little brown church in the vale (p.279) --
Old blue (p.280) --
In the garden (p.282) --
Can the circle be unbroken? (p.283) --
On top of Old Smoky (p.284) --
Shenandoah (p.285) --
The old rugged cross (p.286) --
Rock of ages (p.287) --
Tennessee waltz (p.288) --
Your cheatin' heart (p.290) --
She'll be comin' round the mountain (p.291) --
Swing low, sweet chariot (p.293) --
That old-time religion (p.294) --
Bringing in the sheaves (p.295) --
Green, green grass of home (p.296).
A collection of aspects of American country life such as country ways, downhome cooking, country stories, and country songs.