Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Representative English Plays

by 20160731 frey50
Additional authors: Ed. -- Tatlock, J.S.P. | Ed. -- Martin, R.G.
Edition statement:Second Edition Published by : Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc (New York) , 1938 Physical details: 914 pages
Subject(s): English drama.
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800 - 899 822.1 Rep (Browse shelf) Available 29297

Includes bibliography

The middle ages: Miracle plays: Noah's flood. Abraham and Issac. The second shepherds' play. The morality: Everyman.--The Elizabethan period: Mother Bombie, by Lyly. The troublesome reign and lamentable death of Edward the Second, by C. Marlowe. The shoemakers' holiday; or, The gentle craft, by T. Dekker. A woman killed with kindness, by T. Heywood. Philaster; or, Love lies a-bleeding, by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. The alchemist, by B. Jonson. The Duchess of Malfi, by J. Webster. The wild-goose chase, by J. Fletcher. The changeling, by T. Middleton and W. Rowley.--The restoration: Almanzor and Almahide; or, The conquest of Granada, by J. Dryden. Venice preserved; or, A plot discovered, by T. Otway. The way of the world, by W. Congreve.--The eighteenth century: Cato, by J. Addison. The conscious lovers, by Sir R. Steele.