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Don't sweat the small stuff with your family :

by Carlson, Richard
Edition statement:1st ed. Published by : Hyperion, (New York ) Physical details: 255 p. 17 cm. ISBN:0786883375 (pbk.) :. Year: 1998
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Set a positive emotional climate
Give yourself an extra ten minutes
Keep in mind that a happy spouse is a helping spouse
Learn from kids as they live in the moment
Protect your privacy
Forgive your outbursts
Listen to her (and him too)
Make peace with bickering
Think of taking care of your home like painting the bridge
Don't answer the phone
Live from your heart
Keep your promises
Buy something new, let something go
Encourage boredom in your children
Expect it to spill
Allow "white space" in your calendar
Don't wait for bad news to appreciate your life
Make light of being overwhelmed
Ask yourself the question "what messges am I really sending to my children?"
Appreciate the teen phase
Refuse to let it bug you
Nover miss a chance to say "I love you"
Develop your own reset buttons
Explore voluntary simplicity
Keep good company
Agree to disagree
Don't put yourself down
Stop exchanging horror stories
Set a good example
Experience calm surrender
Create a "selfish" ritual
If you have children, set your agenda aside
Fill your home with evidence of love
Don't let money get you down
Start the day with love, live the day with love, end the day with love
Never, ever, take your spouse (or significant other) for granted
Put a ceiling on your desires
Let them win an argument for a change
Keep a sane pace
Don't be a martyr
Let go of your expectations
Appreciate your in-laws
Moods and home life
Separate work from everything else
Work on absolute acceptance of those you love most
Don't sweat the little quirks
When someone asks you how you are, don't emphasize how busy you are
Give your neighbors a break
Acknowledge the unique hardships of your family members
Don't go to bed mad
Ask yourself "why should I be exempt from the rest of the human race?"
Let yourself off the hook
Remember, actions speak louder than words
Learn to stay centered
Become less easily bothered
Schedule time for kindness
Don't talk behind their backs
Have family meetings
Remember to show your appreciation
Put things in perspective
Don't overemphasize your vacations
Speak with loving kindness
Sit still
Take it as it comes
Stay healthy
Attend to feelings first
Don't overevaluate your performance
Imagine that someone else is in the room watching you
Keep in mind, as within, so without
Create a new relationship with someone you already know
Keep your "thought attacks" in check
Stop exaggerating your workload
Remind others to treasure life
Stop repeating the same mistakes
Recognize when someone doesn't have an eye for something
Don't expect your family members to treat you the same way others do
Go camping
Think in terms of my child, my teacher
Remind yourself that you can't take it with you
Have a favorite family charity
Be patient with your landlord or building manager
Get some exercise
Look for incremental improvement
Remind yourself frequently what your children really want
Don't read between the lines
Speak softly
Stay playful
Think of something you did right today
Discover a simple pleasure
Remember, it's the little things that will be remembered most
Be an example of peace
Express gratitude for your home
Sop complaining about the complaining
Embrace change
Reverse roles with your sppuse
Surrender to the fact that there's always something to do
Become clutter-free
Defer gratification
Remember, this too shall pass
Treat your family members as if this were the last time you were going to see them

Simple Ways to Keep Daily responsibilties and Household Chaos from Taking over your Life