Operation Desert Shield
by Deegan, Paul J.
Series: War in the Gulf Published by : Abdo & Daughters ; | Distributed by Rockbottom Books, (Edina, Minn. : | Minneapolis, Minn. :) Physical details: 40 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. ISBN:1562390228.
Operation Desert Shield
Juvenile literature.
Operation Desert Shield
United States
Military relations
Persian Gulf Region
Persian Gulf Region
Military relations
United States
Year: 1991
Item type | Current location | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode |
j 900 - 999 | j956.7043 Dee (Browse shelf) | Available | 77463 |
Cover title.
Describes the events of Operation Desert Shield, the build-up of the United Nations coalition forces in the Persian Gulf prior to the Gulf War.
9 years