Each plate accompanied by guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
v. 2. Reply to Hayne / Daniel Webster --
On the Expunging resolution / Thomas Hart Benson --
On the sales of public lands / Robert Young Hayne --
The history of liberty / Edward Everett --
The preservation of the Union / Rufus Choate --
On the irrepressible conflict / William Henry Seward --
On the death of John Brown / William Lloyd Garrison --
The union and slavery / William Lloyd Garrison --
On his nomination to the Senate / Abraham Lincoln --
Second Inaugural address [of Abraham Lincoln] --
Address at Gettysburg / Abraham Lincoln --
Claims on England / Charles Sumner --
Under the flag / Wendell Phillips --
The future of the South / Alexander Hamilton Stephens --
Reply to Lincoln / Stephen Arnold Douglas --
Raising the flag over Fort Sumter / Henry Ward Beecher --
On nominating General Grant for a third term / Roscoe Conkling --
Funeral oration on Garfield / James Gillespie Blaine --
The glories of Duluth / James Proctor Knott --
Oration on Farragut / Joseph Hodges Choate --
The plumed Knight / Robert Green Ingersoll --
On kin across the sea / Chauncey Mitchell Depew --
Address to the Parliament of religions / James, Cardinal Gibbons --
Oration on Lincoln / Phillips Brooks --
Centennial address / Henry Codman Potter --
First inaugural address [of Grover Cleveland] --
The New South / Henry Woodfin Grady --
Peace in the Wake of Victory / John Ireland.