Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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The wisdom of the Kabbalah

by 20160731 frey50
Series: Wisdom library | Philosopical library Published by : Citadel Press | Kensington Pub. Corp., (New York, NY) , 2001 Physical details: xii, 175 p. 22 cm. ISBN:0806522496 (pbk.) :.
Subject(s): Cabala
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Item type Current location Call number Status Notes Date due Barcode
200 - 299 Book Cart 296.16 Wis (Browse shelf) Available FUND: Book Fund 82054
Browsing Arthur Johnson Memorial Library Shelves , Shelving location: Book Cart Close shelf browser
296.123 Mis The Mishnah 296.155 Dea The Dead Sea scrolls : 296.155 Mar The Dead Sea scrolls translated : 296.16 Wis The wisdom of the Kabbalah 296.162 Zoh Zohar 296.3 Tel Jewish wisdom : 296.3118 Kus When bad things happen to good people