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Silver yoke

by Cheek, Roland
Series: Valediction for revenge bk. 6 Edition statement:1st ed. Published by : Skyline Pub. (Columbia Falls, Mont. ) Physical details: 278 p. 22 cm. ISBN:0918981131 (pbk.). Year: 2004
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A wanted fugitive with a price on his head; a hopeless derelict driven by his past to the depths of degradation and self-loathing. It would be ridiculous to think such an individual could rock the foundations of one of America's foremost mining empires, right? But perhaps Jethro Spring is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill Leadville drunk. Perhaps it's important that he owns a key mining claim in a district being rapidly developed by the ruthless Amalgamated Minerals & Mining Company. Perhaps also of importance is the fact that Jethro Spring has long acquaintance with fist and gun. Then provide key informatin that Amalgamated Minerals & Mining is a cornerstone of the mighty Burroughts' Empire--the very corporate behemoth who drove Jethro to his personal hell. Throw all those components into a boiling pot, then watch the explosions that follow!

The Silver Yoke, sixth and final novel in the Valediction For Revenge series chronicling the life of Jethro Spring, a man torn between cultures; The Silver Yoke revisits Southwestern Colorado, where the fugitive protagonist owns a valuable mining claim in a region being rapidly ravished by the mining behemoth originally responsible for murdering the claim's former owner, Jethro's friend Gunnar Einarssens.