Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Published by : The American Indian Historical Society (San Francisco, CA) Physical details: 20 p. Newspaper Year: 1974
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File Materials New Mexico - Indians - File #1 (Browse shelf) Not for loan

Master list item #: 11

File location is in the New Mexico file Cabinet

Full June 1974 Newspaper - Articles included are:
California Bill seen as possible Colonial State by Mike Rogers
National Meeting is called
Great Plains tribes unite to protect natural Resources
Failure in Indian Employment hit by Commission
Klamath Indians wiped out by termination: ask Indian support by Robert V. Bojorcas
Wintu Indian Winner in Golf Classic
Mohawk Occupation
Listen to the songs by John White
A Different Drum by Gwen Shuatono
Alexander Pope on the Indian
Speaking Freely by Rupert Costo
Oregon Tribes in United Group by Anna B. Dement
Nez Perces name Halfmoon, wheeler in new elections
Indian Language Studies increase shown in reports
Indians to study whites
Indian issues cause end to program
Oraibi Library
Mojave Tribe Criticizes BIA "Foot Dragging" a Wassaja Staff Report
Crow tribe bans hunting and fishing
Voice of the Indian
Program Offered in Planning
What issues are Indian issues
Pennsylvania group challenges new Indian coalition
MacDonald to be opposed in tribal election
BIA may cut jobs
Indian Legal service sets new Policy
Indians Oppose Grave Robbing; Form Group
Australian Aborigines ask letters
Last Chance for Havasupai
Shawnee fight erupts Into Court Litigation
Law and the American Indian
Police Beat Courtroom observers
Library Bill introduced in New York
Native International Art Exhibit is being planned at La Luz
Mashpee Museum asks help
Unique Pottery Exhibit set in Albuquerque
Clyde Dollar article expresses Racism, ethnocentric ideas on Wounded Knee
Rowland responds to V. P.
States try to solve Indian issues, But Indians say all wrong
Courses at Idaho University
Navajo Chairman defends original W-W Occupancy
Klamath Indians set AIM Group
Standing Rock Sioux in joint AIM Meeting
Engineering Professions need special Indian Orientation Programs
San Carlos Apaches set new voting procedure
Hopi tribesmen in Criticism of Banyacya
South Dakota in search for Director
Nevada Indians vote on stat or federal law
Tribes to sponsor Pow Wow
Inspectors find weight shortages in food stores
Archaeologist win against developers
Morton Hits Indian Religions
Attack on Indian Religion seen in Oklahoma raids
A True story is told by a creak
Canadian Chiefs Declare Self Determination
Canada Medicine men meet

a National Newspaper of Indian America