Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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Fred 2.0 :

by Sanborn, Mark
Published by : Tyndale House Publishers (Carol Stream, Ill. ) Physical details: xv, 182 p. 20 cm. ISBN:9781414362205 (hbk.); 141436220X (hbk.). Year: 2013
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Why Fred 2.0 -- Normal is overrated -- What ever happened to Fred? -- It's always about service -- Start with commitment -- Work with passion -- Cultivate your creativity -- Develop your difference -- Build better relationships -- Elevate the experience -- Renew your resolve -- What if you're a head Fred? -- Build a team Fred -- Raise a Fred Jr. -- Create a community of Freds -- Best always.

Freds are the millions of people who have been inspired by mark Sanborn's real-life mailman Fred Shea - and th emillions more who exemplify Fred's code for success without knowing the real-life Fred. What makes Fred so extraordinary? He's a man who is passionate about his ordinary job, treating those on his mail route as his friends. In the process he has turned an ordinary job into something truly extraordinarly - and you can, too.