Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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First Baptist Church, Raton, New Mexico :

Published by : First Baptist Church (Raton, NM) Physical details: 76 p. Index of surnames, unpaged. 8 1/2 " x 11 " pages. Year: 2006
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Item type Current location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Reference R978.922286 Fir (Browse shelf) Available 100963
Office 978.922286 Fir (Browse shelf) Available 100962

Copies made from an original provided for that purpose by Fred and Sherry Tapia. The original was the property of Henry "Sugar Bear" Tapia.

This is a history of the First Baptist Church in Raton, N.M. from its inception through part of 2006. It is divided into two major sections: "The First Hundred Years (1881 - 1981)"; and "The Next Twenty-Five Years (1981 - 2006)".