Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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by Julyan, Robert
Published by : University of New Mexico Press, (Albuquerque :) Physical details: 287 p. ; 23 cm. ISBN:9780826350336 (pbk. : alk. paper); 082635033X (pbk. : alk. paper). Year: 2011
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Southwest Fiction Book Cart Jul (Browse shelf) Available 101239

The fictional High Plains village of Sweeney, New Mexico, population 856 and falling, is like so many small towns in rural America--once vibrant and alive but now a dry husk of obsolescence, decay, and despair. Only its few remaining citizens care that it not die like so many other towns, but when a handful of them concoct a plot to draw attention to their hometown, the result is a hilarious romp through the oddities and opportunities of small town life. Aliens, nudists, naked bull riders, Druids, phony Indians, and real Indians--all play a role in Sweeney's quixotic journey of survival and self-discovery