Arthur Johnson Memorial Library

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j Science Fiction Book Cart jPra (Browse shelf) Available 104518

The witch's vacuum cleaner -- The great train robbery -- The truly terrible toothache -- The frozen feud -- Darby and the submarine -- The sheep rodeo scandal -- The ant called 4179003 -- The fire opal -- Lord Cake and the Battle for Banwen's Beacon -- The time-traveling television -- The Blackbury Park statues -- Wizard war -- The extraordinary adventures of Doggins -- Rincemangle, the gnome of Even Moor.

Do you believe in magic? Can you imagine a war between wizards? An exciting journey in an airship or down in a submarine? Would you like to meet the fastest truncheon in the Wild West? The Witch's Vacuum Cleaner is the second short-story collection from the late acclaimed storyteller Terry Pratchett, featuring stories that were written when he was a teenager and working as a junior reporter.